Problem set 7: Solving the consumer problem with income risk

import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
from scipy import linalg
from scipy import optimize
from scipy import interpolate
import sympy as sm

%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt'seaborn-whitegrid')
from matplotlib import cm
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D


Guide: Solving the consumer problem is the primary task in this exercise set. You should spend most of the time you have on testing that you understand the different optimizers (problem I) and on solving the intertemporal consumption model (problem III). If for instance you are stuck in plotting, then skip ahead.

Optimization problem I

Consider the function

f(x)=f(x1,x2)=(x12x1x2+x22)2f(\boldsymbol{x}) = f(x_1,x_2) = (x_1^2 - x_1x_2 + x_2^2)^2

Define it in sympy by:

x1 = sm.symbols('x_1')
x2 = sm.symbols('x_2')
f = (x1**2 - x1*x2 + x2**2)**2

The Jacobian is

f1 = sm.diff(f,x1)
f2 = sm.diff(f,x2)

The Hessian is

f11 = sm.diff(f,x1,x1)
f12 = sm.diff(f,x1,x2)
f21 = sm.diff(f,x2,x1)
f22 = sm.diff(f,x2,x2)

Question A: Lambdify f(x1,x2)f(x_1,x_2) and use it to create:

(i)(i) a 3D surfaceplot looking like this:

(ii)(ii) a contourplot looking like:

_f = sm.lambdify((x1,x2),f)

# write your code here
# Hint: use a np.meshgrid

Answer: and

Question B: Construct python functions for the jacobian and the hessian.

f_python = lambda x: _f(x[0],x[1])

# write your code here


Question C: Minimize f(x1,x2)f(x_1,x_2) using respectively

  1. Nelder-Mead,
  2. BFGS without analytical jacobian,
  3. BFGS with analytical jacobian, and
  4. Newton-CG with analytical jacobian and hessian

Compare the results and discuss which optimizer you prefer.

Optional: If you wish, you can use the functions defined in the hidden cells below to also track how the optimizers converges to the solution.

def collect(x):
    # globals used to keep track across iterations
    global evals # set evals = 0 before calling optimizer
    global x0
    global x1s
    global x2s
    global fs
    # a. initialize list
    if evals == 0:
        x1s = [x0[0]] 
        x2s = [x0[1]]
        fs = [f_python(x0)]
    # b. append trial values
    # c. increment number of evaluations
    evals += 1
def contour():
    global evals
    global x1s
    global x2s
    global fs
    # a. contour plot
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,4))
    ax = fig.add_subplot(1,2,1)
    levels = np.sort([j*10**(-i) for i in [-1,0,1,2,3,4] for j in [0.5,1,1.5]])
    cs = ax.contour(x1_grid,x2_grid,f_grid,levels=levels,cmap=cm.jet)
    # b. function value
    ax = fig.add_subplot(1,2,2)
    ax.set_ylabel('function value')
x0 = [-2,-1] # suggested initial guess

# write your code here


Optimization problem II

Consider the function

f(x1,x2)=(42.1x12+x143)x12+x1x2+(4x224)x22)f(x_1,x_2) = (4-2.1x_1^2 + \frac{x_1^4}{3})x_1^2 + x_1x_2 + (4x_2^2 - 4)x_2^2)

Define it in sympy by:

x1 = sm.symbols('x_1')
x2 = sm.symbols('x_2')
f = (4-2.1*x1**2 + (x1**4)/3)*x1**2 + x1*x2 + (4*x2**2 - 4)*x2**2
_f = sm.lambdify((x1,x2),f)

Create 3D plot:

# a. grids
x1_vec = np.linspace(-2,2,500)
x2_vec = np.linspace(-1,1,500)
x1_grid,x2_grid = np.meshgrid(x1_vec,x2_vec,indexing='ij')
f_grid = _f(x1_grid,x2_grid)

# b. main
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1,projection='3d')
cs = ax.plot_surface(x1_grid,x2_grid,f_grid,cmap=cm.jet)

# c. add labels

# d. invert xaxis

# e. remove background
ax.xaxis.pane.fill = False
ax.yaxis.pane.fill = False
ax.zaxis.pane.fill = False

# f. add colorbar

Question A: Find the minimum of the function starting from each of the suggested initial values below. Print the first 20 solutions, and all solutions aftwards, which is the best yet to be found. Save the solutions and associated function values in xs and fs.

# a. python function for f
f_python = lambda x: _f(x[0],x[1])

# b. initial guesses
K = 1000
x0s = np.empty((K,2))
x0s[:,0] = -2 + 4*np.random.uniform(size=K)
x0s[:,1] = -1 + 2*np.random.uniform(size=K)

# c. solutions and associated values
xs = np.empty((K,2))
fs = np.empty(K)

# write your code here


Question B: Create a 3D scatter plot of where the optimizer converges, and color the dots by the associated function values.

# write your code here


Question C: Plot the function values at the solutions as a function of the starting values.

# write your code here


Problem: Solve the consumer problem with income risk I

Define the following variables and parameters:

  • mtm_t is cash-on-hand in period tt
  • ctc_t is consumption in period tt
  • yty_t is income in period tt
  • Δ(0,1)\Delta \in (0,1) is income risk
  • rr is the interest rate
  • β>0\beta > 0, ρ>1\rho > 1, ν>0\nu > 0, κ>0\kappa > 0, ξ>0\xi > 0 are utility parameters

In the second period the household solves:

v2(m2)=maxc2c21ρ1ρ+ν(m2c2+κ)1ρ1ρs.t.c2[0,m2]\begin{aligned} v_{2}(m_{2}) &= \max_{c_{2}}\frac{c_{2}^{1-\rho}}{1-\rho}+\nu\frac{(m_{2}-c_{2}+\kappa)^{1-\rho}}{1-\rho} \\ \text{s.t.} \\ c_{2} & \in [0,m_{2}] \end{aligned}

In the first period the household solves:

v1(m1)=maxc1c11ρ1ρ+βE1[v2(m2)]s.t.m2=(1+r)(m1c1)+y2y2={1Δwith prob. 0.51+Δwith prob. 0.5c1[0,m1]\begin{aligned} v_{1}(m_{1}) & = \max_{c_{1}}\frac{c_{1}^{1-\rho}}{1-\rho}+\beta\mathbb{E}_{1}\left[v_2(m_2)\right] \\ \text{s.t.} \\ m_2 &= (1+r)(m_{1}-c_{1})+y_{2} \\ y_{2} &= \begin{cases} 1-\Delta & \text{with prob. }0.5\\ 1+\Delta & \text{with prob. }0.5 \end{cases}\\ c_{1} & \in [0,m_{1}]\\ \end{aligned}

The basic functions are:

def utility(c,rho):
    return c**(1-rho)/(1-rho)

def bequest(m,c,nu,kappa,rho):
    return nu*(m-c+kappa)**(1-rho)/(1-rho)

def v2(c2,m2,rho,nu,kappa):
    return utility(c2,rho) + bequest(m2,c2,nu,kappa,rho)

def v1(c1,m1,rho,beta,r,Delta,v2_interp):
    # a. v2 value, if low income
    m2_low = (1+r)*(m1-c1) + 1-Delta
    v2_low = v2_interp([m2_low])[0]
    # b. v2 value, if high income
    m2_high = (1+r)*(m1-c1) + 1+Delta
    v2_high = v2_interp([m2_high])[0]
    # c. expected v2 value
    v2 = 0.5*v2_low + 0.5*v2_high
    # d. total value
    return utility(c1,rho) + beta*v2

The solution functions are:

def solve_period_2(rho,nu,kappa,Delta):

    # a. grids
    m2_vec = np.linspace(1e-8,5,500)
    v2_vec = np.empty(500)
    c2_vec = np.empty(500)

    # b. solve for each m2 in grid
    for i,m2 in enumerate(m2_vec):

        # i. objective
        obj = lambda x: -v2(x[0],m2,rho,nu,kappa)

        # ii. initial value (consume half)
        x0 = m2/2

        # iii. optimizer
        result = optimize.minimize(obj,[x0],method='L-BFGS-B',bounds=((1e-12,m2),))

        # iv. save
        v2_vec[i] =
        c2_vec[i] = result.x[0]
    return m2_vec,v2_vec,c2_vec

def solve_period_1(rho,beta,r,Delta,v1,v2_interp):

    # a. grids
    m1_vec = np.linspace(1e-8,4,100)
    v1_vec = np.empty(100)
    c1_vec = np.empty(100)
    # b. solve for each m1 in grid
    for i,m1 in enumerate(m1_vec):
        # i. objective
        obj = lambda x: -v1(x[0],m1,rho,beta,r,Delta,v2_interp)
        # ii. initial guess (consume half)
        x0 = m1/2
        # iii. optimize
        result = optimize.minimize(obj,[x0],method='L-BFGS-B',bounds=((1e-12,m1),))
        # iv. save
        v1_vec[i] =
        c1_vec[i] = result.x[0]
    return m1_vec,v1_vec,c1_vec

Question A: Find optimal consumption in the first period as funcition of cash-on-hand, and plot it.

rho = 8
kappa = 0.5
nu = 0.1
r = 0.04
beta = 0.94
Delta = 0.5

# b. solve
# write your code here

# c. plot
# write your code here


Question B: Find optimal consumption in the first period as funcition of cash-on-hand, and plot it, assuming that

y2={1Δwith prob. 0.11Δwith prob. 0.41+Δwith prob. 0.41+Δwith prob. 0.1y_{2} = \begin{cases} 1-\sqrt{\Delta} & \text{with prob. }0.1\\ 1-\Delta & \text{with prob. }0.4\\ 1+\Delta & \text{with prob. }0.4\\ 1+\sqrt{\Delta} & \text{with prob. }0.1 \end{cases}

which add some low probability tail events, but does not change mean income. Give an interpretation of the change in the consumption function.

# write your code here


Problem: Solve the consumer problem with income risk II

Define the following variables and parameters:

  • mtm_t is cash-on-hand in period tt
  • ctc_t is non-durable consumption in period tt
  • dtd_t is durable consumption in period tt (only adjustable in period 1)
  • yty_t is income in period tt
  • Δ(0,1)\Delta \in (0,1) is income risk
  • rr is the interest rate
  • β>0\beta > 0, ρ>1\rho > 1, α(0,1)\alpha \in (0,1), ν>0\nu > 0, κ>0\kappa > 0, ξ>0\xi > 0 are utility parameters

In the second period the household solves:

v2(m2,d2)=maxc2c21ρ1ρ+αd21ρ1ρ+ν(m2+d2c2+κ)1ρ1ρs.t.c2[0,m2]\begin{aligned} v_{2}(m_{2},d_{2}) &= \max_{c_{2}}\frac{c_{2}^{1-\rho}}{1-\rho}+\alpha\frac{d_{2}^{1-\rho}}{1-\rho}+\nu\frac{(m_{2}+d_{2}-c_{2}+\kappa)^{1-\rho}}{1-\rho} \\ \text{s.t.} \\ c_{2} & \in [0,m_{2}] \end{aligned}

In the first period the household solves:

v1(m1)=maxc1,d1c11ρ1ρ+αd11ρ1ρ+βE1[v2(m2,d2)]s.t.m2=(1+r)(m1c1d1)+y2y2={1Δwith prob. 0.51+Δwith prob. 0.5c1+d1[0,m1]\begin{aligned} v_{1}(m_{1}) &= \max_{c_{1},d_{1}}\frac{c_{1}^{1-\rho}}{1-\rho}+\alpha\frac{d_{1}^{1-\rho}}{1-\rho}+\beta\mathbb{E}_{1}\left[v_2(m_2,d_2)\right]\\&\text{s.t.}&\\ m_2 &= (1+r)(m_{1}-c_{1}-d_{1})+y_{2} \\ y_{2} &= \begin{cases} 1-\Delta & \text{with prob. }0.5\\ 1+\Delta & \text{with prob. }0.5 \end{cases}\\ c_{1}+d_{1} & \in [0,m_{1}]\\ \end{aligned}

Choose parameters:

rho = 2
alpha = 0.1
kappa = 0.5
nu = 0.1
r = 0.04
beta = 0.94
Delta = 0.5

# b. solve
# write your code here

# c. plot
# write your code here

The basic functions are:

def utility(c,d,alpha,rho):
    return c**(1-rho)/(1-rho) + alpha*d**(1-rho)/(1-rho)

def bequest(m,c,d,nu,kappa,rho):
    return nu*(m+d-c+kappa)**(1-rho)/(1-rho)

def v2(c2,d2,m2,alpha,rho,nu,kappa):
    return utility(c2,d2,alpha,rho) + bequest(m2,c2,d2,nu,kappa,rho)

def v1(c1,d1,m1,alpha,rho,beta,r,Delta,v2_interp):
    # a. v2 value, if low income
    m2_low = (1+r)*(m1-c1-d1) + 1-Delta
    v2_low = v2_interp([m2_low,d1])[0]
    # b. v2 value, if high income
    m2_high = (1+r)*(m1-c1-d1) + 1+Delta
    v2_high = v2_interp([m2_high,d1])[0]
    # c. expected v2 value
    v2 = 0.5*v2_low + 0.5*v2_high
    # d. total value
    return utility(c1,d1,alpha,rho) + beta*v2

The solution function for period 2 is:

def solve_period_2(alpha,rho,nu,kappa,Delta):

    # a. grids
    m2_vec = np.linspace(1e-8,5,200)
    d2_vec = np.linspace(1e-6,5,100)
    v2_grid = np.empty((200,100))
    c2_grid = np.empty((200,100))

    # b. solve for each m2 in grid
    for i,m2 in enumerate(m2_vec):
        for j,d2 in enumerate(d2_vec):

            # i. objective
            obj = lambda x: -v2(x[0],d2,m2,alpha,rho,nu,kappa)

            # ii. initial value (consume half)
            x0 = m2/2

            # iii. optimizer
            result = optimize.minimize(obj,[x0],method='L-BFGS-B',bounds=((1e-12,m2),))

            # iv. save
            v2_grid[i,j] =
            c2_grid[i,j] = result.x[0]
    return m2_vec,d2_vec,v2_grid,c2_grid

Question A: Solve for consumption in period 2 and plot the consumption function.

# write your code here


Question B: Find optimal consumption and choices of durables in the first period as a function of cash-on-hand and plot it.

# write your code here


Extra Problems

Simulate a distribution of consumers in either of the two consumption-saving models above. See section 6.3 in lecture 11 regarding how this is done.